
Cost Per View Calculator

Cost per view (CPV) is a core advertising metric used to measure the performance of video ad campaigns.

Cost Per View Calculator, in Media Calculator Screenshot

Cost per view or CPV is a core advertising metric used to measure the performance of video ad campaigns, such as those on Youtube. While calculating cost per view it is important to remember that different video ads providers may use different definitions for the meaning of a view. For this reason some businesses us a cost per completed view (CPCV) or cost per viewable audio on view as an alternative metric.

CPV Formula

Calculate CPV From Cost and Views

Cost Per View (CPV) is calculated by dividing the total cost by the total views.

Formula To Calculate CPV From Cost and Views

Calculate Views From CPV and Cost

To calculate views from cost per view and cost, divide the total cost by the cost per view.

Formula To Calculate Views From CPV and Cost

Calculate Cost From CPV and Views

To calculate the total cost from cost per view and total views, simply multiply the cost per view by the total views.

Formula To Calculate Cost From CPV and Views

Frequently Asked Questions

Cost per completed view (CPCV) is often used instead of cost per view as it provides a better indication of how many full views of a given video have been seen. To calculate CPCV use the same cost per view calculator and simply use the completed views instead of views.
Video views are a metric that are usually provided by a digital platform. In general view views are measured by tracking significant points in a video. The video ad serving template (VAST) standard, developed by the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB), outlines the ability to track videos events by given time stamp or percentiles of the video.

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